We live by our virtues. We intend to be compassionate and empathetic to even those who come to us with intentions that are not good. Tamilnadu’s social discourse is filled with attacks and counter attacks related to race, religion, caste and language. Dream Tamilnadu stands different and won’t pursue any of the above. In addition to this, we always chose a democratic and non-violent path to address any and all issues however small or big.

We believe in supplying the facts backed by proper data. More often than not, we hear people make claims based on data. But we have not much means of verifying whether those claims are true or not, whether the data is true or not. The sad state is that even high-profile people follow the same thing to make their statements more believable. A random statement that says "I read this in some research.." is all they need to make their claim believable. This ends now. We use well-organized data backed by proper facts and records, so as to give an accurate picture. With the right information in our hands, we unlocked several truths that were hidden by such non-availability of precise information. Having made an impression with our data-driven approach, our GER and GDP data have now reached every strata of the society. Soon, our organisation's name will be the reply when someone asks where they can get information about Tamil Nadu.

Let us think good, see the good, speak about the good, and do good - this has been our policy when it comes to public relations. We see to it that rationality is preserved even in the craziest times. To err is human. But it is unfair to forget their numerous good deeds as soon as we come to know about one negative trait of theirs. Therefore, we try our best to see the good in everything and everyone. When one makes false claims on something of our interest, we do not counter it with more false claims. We counter false claims and rumours with straight facts. 'Zero Enemies, Infinite Friends' has been a principle that matches the vibe we plan to bring with us.

Think Local
'Big gifts come in small packages' - quite a common saying. And one that is apt to our movement. Our start may be humble, but we believe that we are destined for greater heights. While climbing such great heights, we intend to pull our friends with us too. The lowest strata of the society is our focus. We aim to pour our all in our attempt to uplift them. So, every effort of ours will have the ultimate aim of helping the downtrodden. Without stopping at just data collection, we are prepared to get on to the field and get the work done - for development is futile if it excludes a set of the population.

Everything today is technologically advanced, so how are we different from those? Because we have an unmatchable blend of tradition and technology. We can explain about Silappadhikaaram, and we can give you the latest updates of Silicon Valley too. Our knowledge with the right use of technology can harvest great deeds for the betterment of the society. With the helping hand of technology, we can tend to people's problems quickly and help raise their quality of life.