- With compassion, kindness and simplicity as the only tools, Vallalaar revolutionised the era he lived in. His philosophy did not segregate people on the basis of race or religion.
- A heart that overflowed with kindness led him to preach the principle of loving each and every living being with utmost compassion. He regarded the wasting of even a single grain as an act of cruelty. Such a broad-minded philosophy that had humanity at its core is what made people from all over the world respect him.
- He firmly believed that service to mankind is service to God. By feeding thousands of hungry stomachs, he instilled hope in humanity. The community kitchen he started in Vadalur still feeds thousands of people on a daily basis.
- He was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. He did not advertise new principles and followed the footsteps of saints like Thirumoolar and Thaayumaanavar.
- Vallalaar played a major role in making people realise that God is not locked up in religious texts and temples. He saw God in each and every living being and preached that there is no spiritual act higher than helping others. He started ‘Sathya Gnana Sabhai’ that performs and conducts various welfare activities till day to promote a harmonious society.